Monday, August 27, 2007

week 7, thing 16 (wikis)

Things I like about Wikis
  • Allows for focus on content and less on layout
  • Can be about a specific subject
  • Variety of links and information in one place
  • Allows several people or any number of people to contribute content (this can be bad and good)
  • Allows the public to interact through discussion pages

While searching various wikis, I found it interesting that not all wikis looked the same. The Booklovers wiki had a layout of a website and blog. In general, I find that the problem with wikis are how authoritative is the content and the lack of content. If no one specific is responsible for the wiki, content is not guaranteed. Wikis offer a great opportunity for collaborating and allowing all types of individuals to contribute. Wikis could be used in libraries to create more subject guides or to expand existing webpages. Book discussion groups could use wikis to post information about their group and the books they are reading (even multiple opinions on a book). I am sure there are lots of possibilities for libraries internally too.

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